First Year Of University - “Time is blurred”
Late September 2014 I started my degree in Media Production Radio like every fresher I was scared and naive as it was the first time moving away from home for the first time. It was refreshing start but the dream of focus and achieving seemed to be blurred from all the partying and the sex that consume the air of the campus. Everyone seemed to have lost their mind when it came to attending lectures and seminars. Every weekend most of the freshers would head home for the weekends as uni was too “boring” mistaking the student accommodation as a holiday resort instead of a place that they was practically cotchin’ for the term time.
I felt sad knowing that from the age of 10 I always wanted to go to uni to better myself and from the example my older sister lead me when she completed a undergraduate degree and a masters. At first I wanted to do fashion design then I realise that I can’t dress or draw so I turned to my love for music and I thought to study to become a radio presenter to educate, inform and entertain. I have been influenced by the behaviour of others to end up not taking university seriously and adapt this fuck it attitude was also influence when my personal tutor and also one of my core subject lecturers left in the middle of the year without any notice left the university to start a new role at another university in the South-East of England.
I was already hearing a lot of negative things from students from different departments but as I was the student Department Rep for Media Arts and Production I felt to keep in mind these complaints and discuss solutions with the Student Union. I felt like I was talking on deaf ears as the SU seemed to have more important things on their agenda than student satisfaction of their experience.
It was hard enough to be going through this by myself as I was surrounded and living with complete strangers. I found it hard to trust anyone for a small period of time I stopped communicating with my family as I realised now that at the time I was trying to find myself and was going through mild depression so I thought ignoring everyone that I had a relationship would help me. I didn’t fee l appreciated as I thought going to university was a big achievement in anyone's life but I didn’t see or feel my steps were being celebrated. Asking for a little attention is not to much to ask for but that's another post I will rant about another time.
Since my second term things started to go down hill I learned that my lecturers started to care less if I was attending to any of my classes. Only one class I refused to attend to was my radio workshops, it was heartbreaking for me to understand that I started university to progress my knowledge of radio and I wouldn’t attend my class for it. This was because my tutor was a complete asshole and he couldn’t engage me into his class, what made things worse for me he was an ex student that came back as a part time tutor after six years after he graduated so I expected him to understand my position as a first year student. I was angry that I receive great grades on subjects such as Video Skills and American Cinema where I have no interest in but I was getting mediocre grades for Radio Skills.
Finally and sadly my third term was the worst I learned that most of the friends I made were not returning for the second year, with my trust issues flawed I was finding it hard to complete any work my passion for this degree was fading away day by day. I came to realise that I would be starting my second year alone just like my first year as I won’t be working with the same people who were on the same level as me creatively.
I ventured out to media houses in London for workshops that would encourage me to find my passion in radio again. I always learn that I would find some inspirational people in my life that would guide me onto the right path. I met this girl who doing the same degree as me and she invited me to join her at this workshop at Roundhouse Studios every Thursday at 7pm - 9pm. It was £2 per session and my first session I loved how everyone had different personalities but was serious about networking with the two mentors we had who are working professionals from the radio industry. To me they had the golden ticket to my future and I had met one of them a year before when I would do a radio tool-kit at Bang Radio.
During these sessions I had come to understand that working together as a team and adapting changes each week is a part of the job in the broadcast industry. These lessons helped me through the last weeks of my first year as I got my groove back to completing my assignments as best as I could.
Sadly enough I was given an referral for my radio skills as my group work assignment was not up to scratch to give me a full grade. I have been given a date in August to complete this assignment but I’m currently contemplating if I should continue going to university once I hand in my referral. I have said plenty of times that university isn’t the place for me and I haven’t even started looking to rent a flat as I don’t want to live on campus as I would rather commute.
My experience at university is either making or breaking me and I dunno which one it is at the moment. I don’t know if I am too dependant on support or I dunno what I want in my life.
My future looks like a blur at the moment if these nine months can go so quickly what would happen to the next two years to come till I graduate.
Will I make it to Class of 2017 Graduation?
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