Thursday, 4 September 2014


In my recent post I mentioned a couple of topics that I would like to discuss. There is one thing that keeps bugging me sometimes and that is the difference between my associates and friends. Sometimes they like to change their position with me and to be honest I don't have time to entertain their shenanigans, either you're rocking with me or nah but I won't miss you when your gone cause I'm moving on to bigger and better things.

Becoming close friends with one of your associates is a step forward of becoming more open and exploring the people who were around you and the similarities in their personalities they have that you have to match to become good friends. As you become older you get wiser, listening and observing peoples reactions towards your new friendship is a big learning curve especially when it comes from people who used to be tight with your "new " so called friend. It helps guide you to interact around your friend and to become more aware of their actions.

Be aware of who you laugh with 
Now myself personally I don't have a lot of enemies and not everyone I know likes me, I wasn't put on this earth to be liked. But if people force me to dislike them based on how they treat me or tries to place me in a position to become a bitch towards them I don’t mind as I see it as protecting myself and making it clear to the person not to fuck with me again. But if I’m peer pressured to become something I don’t want to do I should feel free to have the right to stand back away from something that will make me uncomfortable and make it clear again in future don’t ask me to do things that I don’t want to do in the future.

 Society has a way to implant this trend that best friends or close friends should copy off each other with the way they dress, talk, eat and speak. I don’t care I am a rebel you don’t tell me what to do I am an individual I am my own person I dress walk and talk from the influence of myself I don’t need to follow nobody funny thing I don’t want to sound cocky but people end up coping me. I will try my best to stand out and become something unique everything is not done yet and I hate it when people should tell me what I should behave and look like based on friends. Funny enough this is just a little taster from what I want to mention about regarding being my own person and an individual of today’s society.

The only thing I mostly care about now days (sad much?)
But back to this friendship topic recently I lost a friend who I would call a close friend because since summer 2013 till today mostly everything I have done has been done with around her. We became tight and we occasionally call ourselves sister’s loool I have to laugh because in the back of my head I always think that this bitch was going to stab me behind my back. I don’t trust a soul, like I said I hardly make enemies but ever since I have become friends with this girl in four different occasions my name has been brought up into different mix up/ gossips surrounding her or whomever she’s dealing with. Now I'm the type of person who likes to keep things to myself and don’t talk about other peoples business as its not my place to talk. (Unless it’s a negotiation towards making money).

But one time is too many but to have four occasions all together since summer 2013 to me that’s a lot of times and each time it works out that my name has been mixed in a lie I have had enough there is only so much that I can take. Shit I have a problem about people pre judging me before they even met or spoken to me. Hanging around with this girl has damaged my name reputation and I don’t need to more. To be honest I give in 100% towards my friendships as we grow together as friends and we learn from each other mistakes.

I should have learned from Selena's historic mistake
This proves and shows me that I can’t trust anyone especially when some of the lies come from someone doesn’t like me and I hardly know them and she would believe them over me. Another thing that grind my gears is that she’s telling me that I spread dumb rumours about her and not asking me that I did or not, she has no proof that I did or not and I know that I haven’t because whomever she or her friends are business is irrelevant in my life because I could care less. Many people who I share this with would ask me the obvious question, “Why don’t you just tell her that you didn’t say anything?” the answer to that question is that I can be fucked with her anymore she’s too immature for me and I have nothing to prove to her, she can believe what she wants but I know the truth is that I know that I never said anything about her or her associates. What makes me sad that she can’t see that people don’t like her and that they used me as a weapon (the friend that’s around her 24/7) to create a lie about her and say that I said it and she will believe it, what’s worse is that she’s insure that she will believe in anything. I feel sorry for her as she’s by herself now.

She made my job easier because I was planning to drop her before I start university by the end of the month so I feel more relieved.

Rest In Peace whatever friendship we have cause I’m free from all the negative vibes that I used to get from you that I ignored trying to keep our friendship running.

How I feel from being released from this stress

Moral of the story I laugh with plenty but I don't trust any!

Deuces Hello Freedom And Welcome To My Life!

Thanks for reading
Peace and B Good

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Long Time No See

It’s been a while since I have posted here on the blog and I just wanted to let you know so much stuff has happened during the past 15 months. Not only now that I’m in my second step into adulthood (now 19). I have achieved so many goals in my life with trial and error. Learning from these mistakes has showed me what is important for me to do to better in my life. There are many topics that I want to discuss some are personal and some are just general that many of you can relate.

• Money
• Sex
• Love
• Friendships
• Education
• Ambition
• Personality and Identify
• Legends and Icons
• Food
• Family

These are just a few that I would love to discuss. Some people may find these topics sensitive but there are parts of life and I think that these things should be discuss. Now I’m no expert but I feel the need to open my views on them. I feel that these things have impacted my views on life and it does affect how I interact with people.

I’m still young and yes my mind is still growing as there is much knowledge to be gained but I am willing to try. Just writing this post has given me more ideas that would be great to progress in as these topics are just a small reflection on what society is today.

Thanks for reading.
Peace and B Safe